Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Class Notes: 05/28-06/08

-shadow cast by the plot

*shadow is something black and white but has so much going on with it.
-so many stories are different but have a similar shadow

The Moral of the Story Is the Story

Smooth Talk (Movie)

- who is ellie? (foil)
- Different ending from the book
-New family relationships
-frog prince story
-stretched out the story
-Arnold Friend is the devil in disguise
-hour glass on the car refers to hour glass in the painting
* timelessness
* Death
-Scream in the book freezes her



How do you express something that is so important to you?
-any words?

Dissoulustionment at 10:00
-Repition, ryhme

-body and archetype need eachother

Yellow Woman
-Exsists on 2 levels
1. indian historic woman
2. grampa's story character
-real life and romance go together?

Happy Endings
-too moralistic
-perote version=moral
-grimm version=no moral



-all have a sense of humor, if we understand the humor
* reference to something else
* most are to lit.
* can go against the rules, makes for great comedy
* famous for being dirty

Bettlehime does not like the version of LRRH with the moral at the end
-disney = bad
-grimm = better
*more meaning than just the moral
- belly of the wolf going down to the devil

-transformation of life into different forms

-telling stories of the Greek gods

Portrait of the Artist of a Young Man
-names character Daedalus
-very good craftsman

When You Write It Down It Lives Forver


Carpe Diem
-Sieze the Day!

-a way poets compare lit in an outlandish sort of way
-comparing somehing pretty to someone you think is pretty

-understanding the language used in poetry

Personifiction and Paradox
-non-living things that have human characteristics and features

-stretching the truth

-brings color into the colorless world

-the flow and rythm of poetry

# of lines in a poem

unstressed, stress
sonnet 73

stress, unstressed

3 syllables
childrens poems

sounds like a waltz

*most poems are iambicpentameter!

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